Petanque Club
The Surrey Oaks has a Petanque Club with about 50 members.
At least 25 of these are active players and can usually be found playing Petanque in the summer months. Whilst the Petanque Club is integral to the Surrey Oaks, it is run separately from the main pub activities.
The Surrey Oaks has three Petanque pistes (or Boule pitches if you prefer). The first was built in the summer of 2003, but due to its popularity, a second was built in the summer of 2009. During the closed season of 2012-2013, the second court was re-laid to improve the general playing surface (with very good results). This court was further re-surfaced in July 2017. The popularity continued to grow and a third piste was built in May 2018 (offset from the other two). However, it soon became apparent that this was not the optimum location, so it was moved to be in line with the original two courts.
This move was completed in July 2019.
It is hoped that these pistes will be used by the Surrey Oaks for any events that are planned and also by casual players who are just interested in using this great facility.
It's really quite unusual to find Petanque pistes at a pub, so let's make full use of them!
The pistes and equipment available for hire at very reasonable prices.
We are still obtaining/purchasing equipment, so we are not there just yet.
Boule/Equipment Hire: Free, but £10 deposit per set or you can buy a set for £25 to use when you like.
Please Note: The Surrey Oaks Petanque Club generally meets on Sunday afternoons and Thursday evenings (weather permitting), so you are advised to avoid these times.
We have a simple set of rules (one sheet of A4, not to full FIPJP rules), but if you want to study the full rules in detail, see these Official FIPJP 2017 Petanque Rules.
As we all know, the official rules for any game can be long and a little confusing, so you may not want to start with these!
You may also be interested in this summary of 2017 rule changes, in particular, the first one concerning throwing the jack.
There is also a FIPJP Precision Shooting Competition (introduced in 2001).
If you are interested, you can download the shooting rules and a scoring sheet.
There is a lot of Petanque information on the Official FIPJP website, which is worth a browse.
The Surrey Oaks - Petanque Club/Informationoldsoak.co.uk